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 Early Stage, CREAF
 Early Stage, CTFC
 Experienced, CREAF
 Experienced, CTFC
 Technician CTFC

New stage!

8th April 2015 – 2ond July 2015

Santiago Martin, from the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, is spending four months with CEF researchers (Aitor Ameztegui). Santiago will be analyzing data on assisted migration experiments. He will assess the effects of light, temperature and biotic interactions on survival and growth of five broadleaved species. Good luck and enjoy your stay!

New stage!

5th December 2014 – 22th December 2014

Lluís Brotons, from the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, will stay for one month in Montreal and Abitibi with CEF researchers (Christian Messier, Louis Imbeau). Lluís will be working with a double objective: first, improve landscape modelling in Boreal and Mediterranean areas. Second, he will work on the development of the Quebec breeding bird atlas. Enjoy your stay!

New Newforests stage!

15th October 2014 – 15th December 2014

The PhD student Adrian Regos, from the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, will be two months with CEF researchers (Pierre Drapeau). Adrian’s work will be focused on breeding bird dynamics, aiming to analyze potential distribution shifts and to determine which are their potential drivers of change. Good luck in your stay!

New stage!

4th October 2014 – 6th February 2015

Assu Gil-Tena, from the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, is spending four months with CEF researchers (Pierre Drapeau and Núria Aquilué). Assu will be working on the development of a resource-based modeling framework for forest birds, and on the explicit consideration of climate change and dispersal constraints into forest tree distribution modeling. Enjoy your stay!

New stage Newforests!

5th September – 24th October

Enrique Doblas, researcher in the CREAF, will spend 2 month with CEF researchers (Alain Paquette) under the Newforests project. Enrique will be investigating the effects of tree diversity on soil arthropod communities in agroforestry. A field work experiment is taking place in Canada, where Enrique will analyze the samples collected. Enjoy the stay!

New stage Newforests!

4th July – 1st August

Francisco Lloret, researcher in the CREAF, will spend 1 month with CEF researchers (Dan Kneeshaw) under the Newforests project. Francisco will be working on forest dynamics in stands affected by disturbances, particularly insect outbreaks and climate induced dieoff. Francisco will visit permanent plots monitoring insect outbreaks. Enjoy the stay!

New stage!

28th June – 30th July

Arnald Marcer, researcher in the CREAF, is spending one month with CEF researchers (Marie-Josée Fortin) under the Newforests project. Arnald will be working in the modelling of the spatial distribution of functional traits and genetic variation of vascular plants. Good luck and enjoy!


New Stage!!!

6th June – 2ond October

The PhD student from CREAF Núria Galiana is spending four months with CEF researchers (Dominique Gravel). Núria will be investigating the effects of land uses changes on community structure and food webs of three different mountain systems in Catalonia by employing a probabilistic approach designed by The Theoretical Ecosystem Ecology Lab. Enjoy the stay!

New stage within the Newforests project!

15th May – 31th July

Jordi Camprodon, researcher in the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, is spending two months with CEF researchers (Louis Imbeau) with the main goal of understanding biodiversity mechanisms in forests ecosystems using bats as bioindicators, and integrating this knowledge in forest management guidelines. Enjoy!

New stage within the Newforests Project!

28th April – 28th July

Pau Sunyer, PhD student in the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications under the direction of Josep Maria Espelta, is spending three months with CEF researchers (Marc Mazzerole) trying to carry out a new work on the characterization of rodent populations in a Mediterranean forests through statistical approaches used by the UQAT researcher. Good luck!